Suburban Organics Proves Delivery Can Be Healthy After All

The Ottsville, Pa., farm brings organic produce right to Main Line doorsteps, with fresh picks on display in its online newsletter.

With busy schedules, it’s hard to always keep the veggie drawer and fruit basket stocked, and if you’re like me, you still like to have a steady supply of fresh fruits and vegetables to last through the week. Nowadays, a lot of grocery stores let customers place orders online for home delivery, but if you’re picky about your produce, that may not be the best option. Suburban Organics may be just the thing to supplement your weekly grocery shopping. Located in Ottsville, Pa., the company delivers organic produce to your doorstep on a one-time-only, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. The creators of Suburban Organics work with local organic farmers to see what is fresh and at its peak each week to ensure the best quality goes directly to you. Think of it almost as a home-delivery CSA.

Here’s how it works: On Friday afternoons, Suburban Organics sends out an email with a link to the website announcing what’s available for that week. Log on, create an account and start shopping! Drop-off will be on a designated day once you register.

Check out for more info.

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