Michael T. Dolan

Articles by This Author

Ardmore Illustrator Matt Phelan Helps Bring Children’s Books to Life

Matt Phelan didn't illustrate his first children's book until he was in his 30s. Now, at 54, he's closer to his inner 12-year-old than ever.

How the Legacy of Chester County Guitarist Jim Croce Lives On

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission will formally mark the barn where musician Jim Croce wrote his songs.

Appreciating the Awesomeness of Pennsylvania's State Amphibian

Writer Michael T. Dolan reflects on the official state salamander, the hellbender.

West Chester’s Bournelyf Special Camp Is a Place to Shine

Founded almost 40 years ago, the nonprofit runs year-round programming and activities for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.

A Father’s Surf Lesson Resurfaces at the Shore

Our writer reminisces about the lessons he learned amid the waves.

Saying No to My Kids Music Requests

Being a parent might also mean being a chauffeur, but this dad won’t be a “DJ,” too.

How to Play Stepball

Simple pleasures of summer include a tennis ball and an opponent.

Taking Flight Lessons from Darby's Skiles Fielding Montague

Mesmerized by a blue plane atop a Darby roof, Michael Dolan set out to investigate. Little did he know the journey would take him to cloud nine.

Identity Crisis: Navigating a Password-Protected World

My life is password protected. But whose life is it, anyway?

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!