Debra Wallace

Articles by This Author

How, Where and Why to Practice Mindfulness in the Main Line

Terri Clime of Clime Wellness and Dr. Saloni Sharma of Rothman Orthopaedics teach Main Line residents how to stay mindful.

Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital’s Robotics Tech Reshapes Cardiac Surgery

The cutting-edge technology used by Dr. Vigilance is changing the way doctors are able to perform surgeries in a less invasive way.

The Latest on Aging Well From Main Line-Area Cosmetic Surgeons

Wayne’s Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgical Center is among the top-notch facilities helping Main Line-area residents feel more youthful.

Orthopaedic Integrative Health Center Experts Share Tips on Holistic Care

Bryn Mawr’s new Orthopaedic Integrative Health Center at Rothman takes a unique, holistic approach to orthopedic care.

Main Line-Area Kids Navigate Life With Juvenile Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes in adolescents may be as chronic as it is common, but the region’s medical experts say it doesn’t have to be scary.

Main Line Experts Explain the Importance of Mammogram Screenings

The pandemic made it tough to schedule mammogram screenings. But with Breast Cancer Awareness Month upon us, there’s no better time than now.

Our Best of the Main Line Nomination Ballot is open through January 8!